* Adath Israel Congregation
* Baycrest Centre Foundation
* Beth Tzedec Congregation
* Jalyn Bennett, C.M.
* Liona Boyd
* Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto
* Tony Comper, C.M. &
Elizabeth Comper, C.M.
* Leslie Dan, C.M.
* Senator Arthur Eggleton, PC
* Fairmont Hotels
* Four Seasons Hotels
* Gibson Square, UK
* Jewish National Fund
* Larry King
* Martin Luther King III
* Murray Koffler, O.C., O.Ont.
* Joseph and Wolf LeBovic
* Lifestyles Magazine
* Maple Downs Golf and Country Club
* MDC Corporation
* Neighbourhood Interfaith Group
* Oakdale Golf and Country Club
* Old Dominion University
* Reena Foundation
* Reichmann Family
* Suzanne Rogers
* Royal LePage
* University of St. Michael’s College
* Rabbi Erwin Schild, C.M.
* Seymour Schulich, C.M.
* Isadore Sharpe, O.C.
* Dr. Louis Siminovitch, C.C.
* City of Toronto
* Toronto Hydro
* John Tory
* University of Trinity College
* Senator Pamela Wallin, O.C., S.O.M.
* York Racquets
* YMCA of Greater Toronto |